
50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction – A Comprehensive Guide!

I stumbled upon a universe of tasty soft foods, perfect for post-tooth extraction recovery. From creamy mashed potatoes to decadent chocolate mousse, these options cater to every craving, ideal for the list of 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction.

50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction is a handy list of gentle foods to enjoy while recovering from a tooth removal. These foods are soft and easy to eat, like smooth soups and mashed fruits, helping you heal comfortably and deliciously.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the importance of eating 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction and provide you with a list of 50 safe options. These foods will help you feel better faster after having a tooth taken out.

Why Eat Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction? – Let’s dive in!

Why Eat Soft Foods After Tooth Extraction
Source: familydentistryhopkins

Eating soft foods is super important after you get a tooth pulled out. Here’s why:

  • Keeps Your Mouth Safe: When a tooth gets pulled, there’s this thing called a blood clot that forms in the hole. Soft foods help keep this clot safe. If it gets messed up, it can cause a lot of pain.
  • Keeps Things Calm: Crunchy or hard foods can scratch up the area where your tooth used to be, making it hurt more. Soft foods are nice and gentle, so they won’t make things worse.
  • Less Painful: Chewing tough foods can really hurt after a tooth is taken out. Soft foods are much easier to chew, which means less pain for you.
  • Helps You Heal Faster: Soft foods are usually packed with good stuff that helps your body heal quicker. That means you’ll feel better sooner.
  • Less Risky: After a tooth is pulled, there’s a chance of getting an infection. Eating soft foods lowers that risk because they’re less likely to get stuck in the hole and cause problems.

What should I do and avoid after a tooth extraction to ensure proper healing?

Things You Should Do:

  1. Hydrate Yourself: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and aid in the healing process.
  1. Rinse with Warm, Salty Water: After meals, gently rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution to keep the extraction site clean.
  1. Apply Ice Packs: Reduce swelling and discomfort by applying ice packs to the outside of your cheek near the extraction site.
  1. Rest and Relaxation: Allow yourself to rest for at least 24 hours after the extraction to promote healing. Avoid strenuous activities during this time.
  1. Follow Dentist’s Instructions: Adhere to any post-extraction care instructions provided by your dentist or oral surgeon, including medication usage and follow-up appointments.

Things You Should avoid:

  1. Avoid Using Straws: Refrain from using straws for drinking liquids for at least 7-10 days post-extraction to prevent dislodging the blood clot.
  1. Avoid Hot Beverages: Steer clear of hot beverages like coffee or tea to prevent irritation and potential bleeding at the extraction site.
  1. Steer Clear of Spicy Foods: Avoid consuming spicy or heavily seasoned foods that may irritate the extraction site.
  1. No Smoking or Tobacco Use: Refrain from smoking or using tobacco products for at least 48 hours post-extraction to promote healing.
  1. Limit Alcohol Consumption: Avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours after the extraction to minimize the risk of bleeding and complications.

If you follow these tips, your mouth will heal faster. If you’re in a lot of pain or bleeding, talk to your dentist for help.

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What are some 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction? – Ready to find some tasty options!

Soft FoodDescription
ApplesauceSmooth mashed apples, easy to eat.
Mashed avocadoSoft and creamy mashed avocado, good for you.
Baby foodReady-made purées, easy for eating.
BananasSoft fruit, easy to mash, full of vitamins.
CasserolesSoft and creamy comfort food, easy to swallow.
CheesecakeCreamy dessert, smooth and delicious.
Chicken or veg brothWarm and soothing, helps you stay hydrated.
Chocolate mousseSmooth dessert, chocolatey and satisfying.
Clams and chowderSoft seafood, easy on the mouth.
Cottage cheeseSoft cheese, full of protein, easy to eat.
Crab cakesSoft and tasty, good for after a tooth extraction.
Cream of wheatWarm and comforting cereal, easy to swallow.
CupcakesSoft cakes with frosting, a yummy treat.
CustardsSmooth desserts, creamy and tasty.
DipsCreamy dips for veggies or chips, easy to dip.
Egg saladSoft and protein-rich, easy to eat.
Greek yogurtThick and creamy, packed with protein and good bacteria.
HummusSmooth and savory dip, goes well with bread.
Ice creamCool and creamy dessert, soothing after extraction.
Jell-OWobbly dessert, fun and easy to eat.
LentilsSoft-cooked beans, protein-rich and easy to chew.
Mac and cheeseCreamy pasta dish, comforting and easy to swallow.

Mashed cauliflowerSoft veggie alternative to mashed potatoes.
Mashed potatoesSmooth and easy to swallow, classic comfort food.
Milk-based drinksSmoothies and shakes, hydrating and nutritious.
Noodles/pastaSoft-cooked noodles, easy to chew and slurp.
OatmealWarm and filling breakfast, easy on the teeth.
PancakesFluffy and soft, perfect for breakfast.
PiesSoft fruit or custard pies, delicious treats.
PopsiclesIcy treats, help soothe the mouth.
PuddingsSmooth desserts, creamy and satisfying.
QuinoaSoft-cooked grains, protein-rich and nutritious.
Ramen noodlesSoft noodles in broth, comforting and easy to eat.
Rice puddingsCreamy dessert, sweet and easy on the mouth.
RisottoCreamy rice dish, flavorful and satisfying.
SalmonSoft-cooked fish, full of healthy fats and protein.
Scrambled eggsSoft and fluffy, protein-rich breakfast option.
Silken tofuSmooth and versatile, can be used in many dishes.
SmoothiesBlended fruit drinks, hydrating and delicious.
Soaked bread/cookiesSoftened treats in milk or tea, easier to eat.
SoupsSmooth and comforting, warm and nutritious.
SpinachSoft-cooked greens, full of vitamins and minerals.
StewTender meat and veggies in broth, hearty and tasty.
TapiocaSoft and chewy pearls, unique dessert option.
Tapioca puddingCreamy and sweet, easy to eat dessert.
TeasWarm drinks, soothing for the mouth and throat.
WafflesSoft and fluffy breakfast treat, delicious with toppings.
Yellow squashSoft-cooked veggie, easy to chew and digest.
Yogurt parfaitLayered yogurt with fruit and granola, nutritious snack.
Steamed veggiesSoft-cooked vegetables, full of nutrients, easy to eat.

These soft foods are easy to eat and gentle on the mouth, making them perfect for a smooth recovery after a tooth extraction.

How long should I continue eating 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction? – Just ask your dentist!

After you get a tooth pulled, stick to soft foods for a bit to help your mouth heal well. Soft foods are gentle and reduce the chance of problems like dry socket. 

How long should I continue eating 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction
Source: alexandria

As your mouth improves, slowly add harder foods back in. If it hurts to eat tough things, switch back to soft foods until you feel better. 

Most people can go back to their usual diet after a week or two, but keep eating soft foods until your mouth is all better. If you’re unsure what to eat or when to eat normal foods again, ask your dentist or oral surgeon for help.

Is it safe to eat seafood after a tooth extraction? – Ready for more helpful tips!

It’s okay to eat certain kinds of seafood after getting a tooth pulled, but you need to be careful. Choose soft fish like salmon or tilapia, and avoid shellfish like shrimp or crab. 

Is it safe to eat seafood after a tooth extraction
Source: blogs

Make sure there are no bones in your fish, and cook it gently by baking or steaming. Don’t use too many spices or sauces that might hurt your mouth. 

If you’re not sure, ask your dentist when it’s okay to start eating seafood again. And always listen to your body – if something hurts, stop eating it and talk to your dentist.

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1. Can I eat sushi after a tooth extraction?

While sushi isn’t among the recommended 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction due to its texture and potential to irritate the extraction site, you can explore other gentle options for your meals.

2. Is it safe to eat canned tuna after a tooth extraction?

Tuna might be part of the list of 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction, but be cautious with varieties containing added spices or chunks that could cause discomfort.

3. Can I eat fish fingers after a tooth extraction?

Fish fingers might be among the 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction, but ensure they’re soft and easy to chew without any hard or crunchy coating that could irritate your mouth.

4. Can I have seafood soup after a tooth extraction?

Seafood soup can be a soothing addition to your diet after a tooth extraction, as long as it’s free from hard or chewy ingredients, aligning with the recommendations for 50 soft foods to eat after tooth extraction.


After getting a tooth pulled, eating soft foods helps your mouth heal and prevents complications like dry socket. Following care instructions and sticking to soft foods ensures a smooth recovery. If you’re unsure, ask your dentist for guidance.

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